9 years ago
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3036 d
So where you OHHHHHH BURN!!!!!11!!!!!1!!1! YOU MAD BITCH No but seriously, biologically we all are.Looking the truth in the eye and accepting it rather than invent a more comforting lye is a sign of strength rather than of weakness.
3036 d
So where you OHHHHHH BURN!!!!!11!!!!!1!!1! YOU MAD BITCH No but seriously, biologically we all are.Looking the truth in the eye and accepting it rather than invent a more comforting lye is a sign of strength rather than of weakness.
3036 d
So where you OHHHHHH BURN!!!!!11!!!!!1!!1! YOU MAD BITCH No but seriously, biologically we all are.Looking the truth in the eye and accepting it rather than invent a more comforting lye is a sign of strength rather than of weakness.
atheism,  ATHEISM IS IRRATIONAL and  bigot vanquisher
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634 x 295 px.
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