3070 d
Really, how is this for big words: Your megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, omnimalevolent, racist, rapist, mysaganist, Slavery-enforcing, capricious, Vindictive, bloodthirsty, petty, unjust, pestilential, homophobic, genocidal, infanticidal, filicidal control-freak of a god might he considered, being omniscient and omnipotent to contact people more advanced than goat herders who would write down his story on scrolls 30 years later. He could, once again being omnipotent have simply made the universe and therefor quantum mechanics more simple. Any atheist who uses an "argument" as that above is making fun of himself and of atheism. You should not look at one person, caricature them and expect this to be accurate for any group he/she belongs to.
3070 d
Really, how is this for big words: Your megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, omnimalevolent, racist, rapist, mysaganist, Slavery-enforcing, capricious, Vindictive, bloodthirsty, petty, unjust, pestilential, homophobic, genocidal, infanticidal, filicidal control-freak of a god might he considered, being omniscient and omnipotent to contact people more advanced than goat herders who would write down his story on scrolls 30 years later. He could, once again being omnipotent have simply made the universe and therefor quantum mechanics more simple. Any atheist who uses an "argument" as that above is making fun of himself and of atheism. You should not look at one person, caricature them and expect this to be accurate for any group he/she belongs to.
3070 d
Really, how is this for big words: Your megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, omnimalevolent, racist, rapist, mysaganist, Slavery-enforcing, capricious, Vindictive, bloodthirsty, petty, unjust, pestilential, homophobic, genocidal, infanticidal, filicidal control-freak of a god might he considered, being omniscient and omnipotent to contact people more advanced than goat herders who would write down his story on scrolls 30 years later. He could, once again being omnipotent have simply made the universe and therefor quantum mechanics more simple. Any atheist who uses an "argument" as that above is making fun of himself and of atheism. You should not look at one person, caricature them and expect this to be accurate for any group he/she belongs to.
atheism,  ATHEISM IS IRRATIONAL and  atheism fail
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