3075 d
While not all ills or all cases of these ills, religion is responsible for a stunning majority of all suffering. While you, dear theist might say that religion has done lots of charitable work and helped many (perhaps using the example of mother teresa), this pales when compared to the amount of evil caused by people who disagree about a man in the sky.
3075 d
While not all ills or all cases of these ills, religion is responsible for a stunning majority of all suffering. While you, dear theist might say that religion has done lots of charitable work and helped many (perhaps using the example of mother teresa), this pales when compared to the amount of evil caused by people who disagree about a man in the sky.
3075 d
While not all ills or all cases of these ills, religion is responsible for a stunning majority of all suffering. While you, dear theist might say that religion has done lots of charitable work and helped many (perhaps using the example of mother teresa), this pales when compared to the amount of evil caused by people who disagree about a man in the sky.
atheism, ATHEISM IS IRRATIONAL and atheism fail
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414 x 519 px.
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