10 years ago
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806 d
Hi. I would like to use this image in my breast cancer book. I am a survivor, live in Western Australia and am writing my experience in a tell all book. I am self-publishing this book and am unlikely to receive any proceeds after publishing costs, but if a profit is gained, all will be going to my local breast cancer charity that supported me through my diagnosis and treatment - Breast Cancer Care WA. I put on so much weight through chemo and this will be a great light-hearted addition to my book.Please advise if I can use this image with a link to the website as the source under the image.Kind regards,Jo Joyce
755 d
HELLOO KAISERR - I hope you will please reply soon.
birds, diet and fuck you
25.16 Kb
400 x 396 px.
All images remain property of their original owners.