10 years ago
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2201 d
Life is like a ball,if you kick it you hurt yourself,you make front of it,your feelings start to hurt and you have a knot in your stomach.Its so old that i rather get rid of the ball like get rid of myself.Who cares? huh?
2201 d
Life is like a ball,if you kick it you hurt yourself,you make front of it,your feelings start to hurt and you have a knot in your stomach.Its so old that i rather get rid of the ball like get rid of myself.Who cares? huh?
2201 d
Life is like a ball,if you kick it you hurt yourself,you make front of it,your feelings start to hurt and you have a knot in your stomach.Its so old that i rather get rid of the ball like get rid of myself.Who cares? huh?
broken, depressed and hurt
27.67 Kb
500 x 515 px.
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