10 years ago
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3838 d
I remember when my friend told me about this...i really thought it was for babies...because of the name. But then..it looks like lipstick though..or lip gloss...but guess what? its just plain lip balm :-) love your photo.
3838 d
I remember when my friend told me about this...i really thought it was for babies...because of the name. But then..it looks like lipstick though..or lip gloss...but guess what? its just plain lip balm :-) love your photo.
3838 d
I remember when my friend told me about this...i really thought it was for babies...because of the name. But then..it looks like lipstick though..or lip gloss...but guess what? its just plain lip balm :-) love your photo.
baby lips, lip gloss and maybelline
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