9 years ago
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3061 d
Watch a video of Christopher Hitchens debating. He puts up arguments that you will not be able to deny. If you believe that people like Ray Comfort give good arguments for the existence of god, watch the armoured sceptic or cult of dusty respond to them. If you want some simple objective arguments that do not insult but critically look at christianity, go watch darkmatter2525. Atheists have more arguments and proof that your single holy book can hope to be credited with. Look at these arguments objectively and you will find them to be quite logical indeed. I converted from christianity to atheism due to these arguments and found this hard to do at first. If your faith is truly as strong as you claim it to be this will only be a test of your faith that you put yourself through. Surely your god would not mind if you looked at him critically to better understand and attack the view of atheists.
3061 d
Watch a video of Christopher Hitchens debating. He puts up arguments that you will not be able to deny. If you believe that people like Ray Comfort give good arguments for the existence of god, watch the armoured sceptic or cult of dusty respond to them. If you want some simple objective arguments that do not insult but critically look at christianity, go watch darkmatter2525. Atheists have more arguments and proof that your single holy book can hope to be credited with. Look at these arguments objectively and you will find them to be quite logical indeed. I converted from christianity to atheism due to these arguments and found this hard to do at first. If your faith is truly as strong as you claim it to be this will only be a test of your faith that you put yourself through. Surely your god would not mind if you looked at him critically to better understand and attack the view of atheists.
3061 d
Watch a video of Christopher Hitchens debating. He puts up arguments that you will not be able to deny. If you believe that people like Ray Comfort give good arguments for the existence of god, watch the armoured sceptic or cult of dusty respond to them. If you want some simple objective arguments that do not insult but critically look at christianity, go watch darkmatter2525. Atheists have more arguments and proof that your single holy book can hope to be credited with. Look at these arguments objectively and you will find them to be quite logical indeed. I converted from christianity to atheism due to these arguments and found this hard to do at first. If your faith is truly as strong as you claim it to be this will only be a test of your faith that you put yourself through. Surely your god would not mind if you looked at him critically to better understand and attack the view of atheists.
atheism,  dumbass atheist and  scumbag atheist
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